About Us

Our first priority is to provide you fresh recipe content. So, kindly if you like to try and cook new recipes then you can check out our recipe articles.

Also, we are trying to provide fresh & latest content that provides you ideas about all updated information

If you have additional questions or require more information about our site, then do not hesitate to contact us.

What is Our Goal?

Basically, we focus on the different recipes, our main priority is to search for new content and present it in front of you to learn and try something new.

This Website is Created to help people because many people are still spending hours of time to get exact information so, this is the only motive to create Bite N Sip to help people and provide them a better experience.

Bite N Sip Authors

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I’m Mansi, Writing become one of my hobby when I started traveling, I love to do cafe Hopping. However, if we ever meet, please bring me a cheesecake instead of saying just hi 😀



Simantini Singh Deo
Hi, Simantini here! I am a writer, travel enthusiast and a big time foodie. I hope that these amazing recipes shared here bring joy to your life!


Upasana Puri
My name is Upasana Puri, a passionate content writer with a love for Kdramas and anime. Through my articles I explore the tantalising world of drama- inspired cuisine, sharing my insights and and inviting readers to indulge in the culinary delights of the screen.

Authentic Twisted Korean Doughnuts Kkwabaegi Misugaru Latte A Traditional Korean Beverage Discover the Incredible Benefits of Korean Barley Tea A Refreshing Tropical Homemade Mango Bingsu Recipe Unveiling the Incredible Health Benefits of Ginseng Tea Sustainable Living with Zero-Waste Cooking Tips and Recipes Delicious Stir-Fried Fishcake at Home Delicious and Authentic Soondae Bokkeum Recipe