This yummy bottle of gourd soup is a Spanish recipe. In India, bottle gourd is also known as lauki, dudhi, lau, sorekai and ghiya.
This thick, rich and creamy bottle gourd soup is made with zucchini/courgettes in Spain. This bottle gourd soup has plenty of health benefits.
This soup can be served as a starter or is a perfect option for brunch. The soup is prepared using bottle gourd, onions and garlic.
The cream cheese gives it a thick consistency, and mixed herbs, salt and black pepper enhance its flavor.
The healthy and yummy bottle gourd soup can be served with buttery bread, rice and as a starter or appetizer.

Thick and Creamy Bottle Gourd Soup Recipe
- 2-3 cups Bottle gourd (diced)
- 1 cup Onions (chopped)
- 2 tsp Mixed herbs
- ½ tsp Black pepper powder
- ½ tsp Garlic
- 3-4 tbsp Cream cheese
- 2-3 – tbsp Olive oil or butter or vegetable oil
- Salt
- Rinse and peel the skin of the bottle gourd. Chop them and put them in a pan.
- Chop the garlic and onions and add them to the same pan.
- Add 3-4 cups or enough water to cover the bottle gourd, garlic and onions.
- Cover the pan and steam the vegetables till soft or for 15-20 minutes.
- Take them out and let the vegetables and stock cool.
- In a food processor, blend the vegetables. But put the stock aside.
- In a vessel, heat olive oil. Add the blended puree of bottle gourd, garlic and onions.
- Season it with mixed herbs, salt and black pepper powder.
- Now add the stock to get the required consistency, stir and cook for some time.
- Add the cream cheese just before switching off the heat.
- Give some swirl to the bottle gourd soup before serving.
- Before steaming garlic and onions with bottle gourd you can saute them in olive oil for more decadent flavors.
- The same recipe can be used with zucchini/courgettes.
- You can use cream and cheese separately instead of using cream cheese.
The healthy and yummy bottle gourd soup is a must-try as it has many health benefits. Bottle gourd is full of water and minerals that can keep your body hydrated.
This soup helps in weight loss, cools your body, helps in digestion and also helps in treating sleeping disorders.
Can we eat bottle gourd skin?
Yes. The bottle gourd peel can be made into a tasty dish. The dish is known as bottle gourd peel stir fry. This is a Bengali dish known as ‘lau-er khosha bhaja’. This is a very common dish in Bengali households. The skin of the bottle gourd can be used to make chutney with coconut.
Is the bottle gourd soup healthy?
It is one of the healthiest vegetables, just like drumsticks. There are numerous benefits of bottle gourd soup and drumstick soup. Bottle gourd has 92 percent water filled with minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and dietary fibers. Also, it aids digestion and is suitable for the heart.
Can we store bottle gourd in a refrigerator?
Bottle gourd and bitter gourd tend to lose their moisture when kept in the refrigerator for too long. You can store them in a moist paper towel or a thin cotton cloth. Or you can use a porous vessel with a lid that covers it.
Apart from Bottleguard soup, what other soups are healthier?
Broccoli almond soup & Drumstick soup are also healthier as they have numerous benefits just like minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and dietary fibers.