How To Identify Genuine Saffron: Tips For Choosing Quality Threads

How To Identify Genuine Saffron: Tips For Choosing Quality Threads

Saffron, also known as the king of spices, red gold, golden spice, and what not, is known for its luxurious touch, unmatched flavour, and amazing health benefits. But here’s the catch — not all saffron available in the market is the same & authentic. Yes, you read that right — besides pure saffron, there are fake & adulterated saffron out there! Some smart sellers ensure the demand and supply chain remain aligned, even if it means tricking you!

Besides this, saffron is the most expensive spice in the world, and it would be a complete waste of money if you can’t get the real saffron even after paying a fortune. Therefore, whether you love to cook your favourite dishes using saffron or care about your & your loved one’s health, it becomes super important to know if your saffron is authentic! 

But do you know how to identify the genuine saffron? Don’t worry; I am here to help you with that! In this blog, I have explained how to figure out authentic saffron and some important tips to purchase the best quality saffron. Let’s begin! 

What Makes Saffron So Extraordinary & Special?

Saffron comes from the delicate stigmas (tiny red threads) of the Crocus Sativus flower. You know what’s the craziest part? Each flower has only three threads, and in order to make a single pound of saffron, it takes between 50,000 to 75,000 flowers! Due to this rich history and labour-intensive process, saffron is the priciest spice in the world

But saffron is not just rare — it’s a super versatile spice because it adds an intense flavour to dishes, gives a vibrant hue, and even provides various health benefits. The active compounds present in saffron are picrocin, which is responsible for the slightly bitter taste, and safranal, which gives a lovely floral aroma. You must know that the best saffron comes from the vibrant red tips of sargol and negin, which are responsible for providing all the rich flavour, aroma, colour, and health benefits. 

What Is Fake Or Adulterated Saffron? 

Saffron is defined as an exotic spice, and just a pinch of it is enough to cook an aromatic & flavourful dish. Unfortunately, the saffron market is losing its charm because of some dishonest and sneaky sellers. These people sell saffron of poor quality or completely fake & adulterated saffron disguised as real ones. 

Mostly, the fake saffron is made up of corn silk. Also, sometimes, they coat the corn silk with strong dyes and chemicals to make it look exactly like authentic saffron. On top of that, different types of fillers are being utilized, like starch, corn flour, sawdust & more, to increase the weight and price of saffron. 

It’s unsaid that adulterated saffron is not just a problem for your wallet but can also harm your overall health & well-being. Adulterants, such as chemical dyes, synthetic fibers and artificial colours, are being utilized in fake saffron that can cause digestive problems, allergic reactions, and even more significant health issues over time. In addition, adulterated saffron lacks all the good stuff offered by genuine saffron, like antioxidants & anti-inflammatory properties, mood-boosting or digestion-aiding advantages. 

How To Identify Authentic Saffron? Choose Quality Threads With These Simple Tests! 

Don’t want to get tricked by dishonest sellers and purchase real saffron? Follow these simple tests to purchase genuine saffron! 

1. The Visual Test 

The first step to identify the authenticity of saffron is to test its appearance visually. The threads of real saffron are thin, long, slightly curled, and possess a rich, bright red colour. The threads vary in length because they are carefully hand-picked from the stigma of the flower. 

On the other hand, fake saffron generally has short & uniform threads. Their colour may appear unnaturally odd & bright. Moreover, the fake saffron tips are yellow or orange, whereas the real saffron has slightly yellowish tips but is predominantly red. 

2. Cold Water Test

In the cold water test, just take a few saffron strands and put them into cold water. Both the saffron, pure and fake ones, will release their colour into the water. After waiting for 15 to 20 minutes, you will notice that the pure saffron has turned the water colour into a uniform yellowish shade. 

However, if the colour of the water turns into deep red, bright yellow or primarily red shade, it’s a sign of adulteration. Also, remember that pure saffron threads retain their red colour even after being soaked in the water. While fake saffron may turn white if left for an hour in the cold water. 

3. Hot Water Test

For a hot water test, simply take a few saffron threads and place them in hot water for about 10 to 20 minutes. If the colour remains intact, it means it’s the real saffron. Furthermore, the water may turn a uniform yellowish shade. 

However, fake saffron is prepared using an artificial dye, and when it is kept in hot water for some time, the colour completely fades away. You will notice that the water has become red, and the colours may not seem to mix with water uniformly.  

4. Baking Soda Test 

In a small bowl, add water and a minimum of 2 tablespoons of baking soda. Mix it well and then soak a few saffron threads into the mixture & stir for about 3 to 4 seconds. If the liquid turns yellowish, it signifies that you have purchased genuine saffron. But if the mixture turns reddish or maroon, it’s the fake saffron you have bought! 

5. Fragrance Test 

The best quality saffron can be identified by its intense aroma and taste. Pure saffron has a sweet, floral aroma, often described as a mixture of hay and honey. However, if you have adulterated saffron, you will notice a pungent smell because of the high level of chemical usage in the form of Picocrocin and Safranal.

6. Palm Rubbing Test

To conduct the palm rubbing test, dip the saffron strands in cold water for a few seconds and then place them on your palm or finger. Next, rub the saffron threads between your palms or fingers back and forth for 3 to 4 seconds. If it’s authentic saffron, the strands will not break. But if the threads are adulterated, they will crumble into dust or may even turn into liquid when rubbed.

7. Flavour Test

Lastly, the easiest way to recognize the difference between real and fake saffron is to understand their flavour profile. Genuine saffron has a highly intense aroma and flavour. While foreign substances are used to colour fake saffron red and lack the sweet & intense flavour. You may even experience a metallic or bitter taste. 

A few Essential Tips To Buy Authentic Saffron! 

When you are thinking of purchasing saffron, make sure to choose trusted suppliers who are known for selling saffron of premium grades. Here are a few tips that will help you get the real deal: 

a) Purchase From A Reputable Source

Always opt for well-established saffron brands or marketplaces with a solid reputation for selling genuine saffron. 

b) Be Aware Of The Price

If the price of the saffron is too low compared to the market price, then it’s definitely not the authentic saffron. Premium saffron costs are always high, and it’s better to be aware of the price before you purchase. Always start with small quantities, specifically if you are not sure about the supplier or brand. 

c) Do Not Buy Saffron In Bulk

Purchasing saffron in bulk from unreliable sources as it increases the chance of getting fake products.  

d) Inquire About The Origin Of Saffron

Regions such as Kashmir (India), Spain and Iran are widely known for producing high-quality saffron. Being aware of where it comes from can help you to be sure about its authenticity. 

e) Certifications

Always look for certifications like organic labels or ISO, as these are the signs of quality and premium saffron. 

f) Do Not Buy Ground Saffron

If your recipe calls for ground saffron, purchase it in threads and then make the ground version of it yourself! This way, you will be able to figure out the real saffron; otherwise, once you buy ground saffron, it will be impossible to find out if it’s real or fake. Additionally, even if the ground saffron is real, it may contain fillers like starch, dyed rice flour, etc. 

The End Note

The availability of fake or adulterated saffron in the market is becoming a common issue in the world of spices. But if you know these simple tips & tricks, you can easily identify the pure or fake saffron! Just try some of the above-mentioned tests, like looking at them closely, doing the palm rubbing, or doing a hot/cold water test. Most importantly, get familiar with the taste and smell of real saffron — this way, you can save yourself from these fraudulent activities and protect your health! 

Surely, it may take a little extra effort to ensure you have gotten your hands on authentic saffron, but remember that the benefits are completely worth it! Authentic saffron not only adds excellent flavour to your food but also keeps your interest intact in cooking different types of food for yourself and your family/friends. Happy cooking!


How To Distinguish Between Real & Fake Saffron?

Real saffron possesses a deep red colour, sweet & floral fragrance and thin, long & slightly curled threads. On the other hand, fake saffron has short threads, weak fragrance, and unnatural colour.

How Does Saffron’s Fragrance Help In Identifying Its Quality?

Authentic Saffron has an intense and floral fragrance. On the other hand, fake saffron possesses a pungent or chemical-like odour. If the saffron smells of, it may be adulterated with foreign substances.

Where Can I Purchase Authentic Saffron?

If you want to buy authentic saffron, always look for reputable sellers, specifically spice shops or online retailers with high consumer ratings & reviews. Moreover, check for certifications like ISO or organic labels to confirm their authenticity.

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